Welwyn Garden City man still able to enjoy a pint of beer after losing over 13 stone with Slimming World

A super slimmer from Welwyn Garden City has lost over 13 stone in less than four years. Ryan Milburn, from Welwyn Garden City, joined Slimming World in June 2019 and has been able to go down several trouser sizes proving that Slimming World works just as well for men as for women.

Ryan won the Welwyn Garden City ‘Greatest Loser of the Year’ title after losing over an incredible 13 stone and 7 pounds. Like many men, Ryan initially thought that slimming clubs were aimed at women and assumed the focus would be on ‘diet’ food.

However, he decided to try out Slimming World as his food habits were getting “out of control” and he needed a food plan that allowed him to still eat plenty and while still seeing results.

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Ryan said: “I knew Slimming World worked as I’ve been a previous member of a group at different location but work used to get in the way. So I needed a group close to work so if I’m working I could weigh and go back to work.” He added: “I enjoy Slimming World as it works with my lifestyle and I enjoy plenty of food I like.”

Ryan was pleasantly surprised to find that the support provided by the group was practical, encouraging and friendly. He also found that Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan – based on the science of satiety and energy density – meant that he never felt hungry or as if he was on a diet.

Ryan continued: “One thing I’ve always loved about the Food Optimising plan is just how flexible and generous it is. I love the variety of foods I can still enjoy such as steak and homemade chips, chicken curry or a roast dinner. The freedom of the plan means I never have to miss out and nothing is off limits – I can still enjoy a pint of beer!

“I love that I don’t have to worry about weighing and measuring everything I eat or counting calories either. Food Optimising fits around my life, rather than the other way around. Getting support to identify where I’m going wrong and to make changes has given me a sense of confidence that is benefitting every aspect of my life.

“It was nerve-wracking walking through those doors for the first time but I wasn’t the only man there and everyone was warm and welcoming because we’re all at the group for the same reason – to lose weight and feel good.”

The weight-losing phenomenon also enjoyed being part of a group as they support and see each other every week. The Welwyn Garden City man continuously felt “inspired and motivated” to keep going each week, while sharing new recipes and ideas with those in the group.

Ryan before he joined the United Reformed Church Slimming World group in Welwyn Garden City
Ryan before he joined the United Reformed Church Slimming World group in Welwyn Garden City

Ryan thanked his consultant Julie Horrocks – who runs the United Reformed Church Slimming World group – as he does not think he could have achieved all his progress without her support along with the other group members. As the weight came off, Ryan found he had more energy and so he was eager to use it.

He continued: “I always thought that physical activity would be the best way to lose weight, but when I was at my heaviest I just wasn’t fit enough to do it and I’ve since realised that I needed to do more than just move more.

“I started by walking more and as I got fitter, I started to push myself more, I can honestly say I feel like a different man since losing weight. I now feel so much healthier and have a lot more energy.”

Julie Horrocks, who runs the United Reformed Church Slimming World group, stated she is incredibly proud of Ryan. Julie said: “He has done brilliantly and we’re all in awe of his transformation. He’s become healthier and happier.

“And while so much has changed over the last year, his determination and motivation has never faded – he’s a real inspiration to the whole group. I couldn’t be prouder of everything Ryan has achieved!”

The national title winner for Slimming World’s Greatest Loser 2023 competition will be announced in the coming months. The overall winner will receive a £4,000 cash prize.

The United Reformed Church’s Slimming World groups is held every Thursday in Welwyn Garden City at 3.30pm, 5pm and 6.30pm. For those of you who may be interested in joining the group, you can call Julie on 07722166672. To find a local group near you, visit the Slimming World website here.


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