Benington Lordship Gardens

Benington Lordship Gardens

Benington Lordship is a private family home and the garden is only open on selected dates throughout the season.

The diversity of planting at Benington Lordship offers visitors something to see all year round.

The season begins with the flowering of snowdrops and hellebores in February. The snowdrops have naturalized around the moat and castle ruin and a snowdrop walk was planted along the old inner bailey in the early twentieth century.

The formal rose garden was replanted in 2016 with four weeping pear trees (Pyrus Salicifolia) underplanted with Rosa Kent and tulips and enclosed by box hedging. The wilderness bank behind the formal area is now planted with a wealth of spring bulbs, linking the area to the snowdrop walk beyond.

The long, double herbaceous borders run downhill from east to west, framed by a wall on one side and yew hedge on the other. They are an unsophisticated mix of old fashioned plants including favourites such as lupins, delphiniums, achilleas, asters, clematis and geraniums, and change constantly from May to September.

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